Netgear Prosecure

A Anchor Technology Web Site

 Netgear ProSecure  Home

The Netgear ProSecure line of security appliances positions Netgear to be the foremost leader in Network security. The ProSecure Brand employs new technology (“Stream Scanning”) for performance, and scalable from 2 to 600 users. Finally, small businesses have affordable security options only available to large corporations in the past. We all know of Netgear for their network switches and other devices. This is a whole new “ball game” setting a whole new standard for network security. Netgear has established a network of ProSecure Partners trained to deploy these new products to business.


Technical Information on:
STM Series
UTM Series


The information, trademarks and other copy written content may not be reproduced without authorization from Netgear or their respective owners.

This site is supplied by Anchor Technology, Inc. (A Netgear Platinum Partner) as a service to its customers with permission from Netgear. 

Information on this site is subject to change without notice, and subject to typographical errors. Please contact Netgear Partner for current information.

Comments from existing users:
...My STM-150 is so much faster than what we had before..due to the new Stream Scanning Technology..J.W.

...The STM-150 keeps my employees from surfing the web viewing adult sites, shopping and instant messaging. Our employee productivity is improved...D.M.

...As IT Director for our corporation, I have the STM set to prevent users from downloading .exe programs and corrupting their pc. This reduced our workload and overall I.T costs. CM. I.T Director.

... Our ProSecure Reseller let us try a STM-150 for two weeks. After that we ordered seven more for are other locations. It’s amazing and low maintenance. C.H.

...We installed a STM-150 in our Youth Program computer lab. It protects them from visiting harmful sites. L.M/


Netgear ProSecure Products are available from Authorized Partners:

Anchor Technology, Inc.


White Paper
Employers Guide to preventing employee abuse at the workplace with social networking such as Myspace, Facebook, Twitter that reduces their productivity and costs businesses thousands each year.
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